well...anywho.....I upload all my photos to Flickr. There is a wonderful group of gals there who I *know* from an online photography class we all took together. It's great to have a wonderful supportive group of friends who can comment on your photos. On Flickr there is something called Explore/Interestingness. I can't quite explain what it is, but photos are selected for the Explore page which recognizes your photo for being interesting and worthy of being Explored. I never in a million years thought I would get a photo explored, but I secretly hoped and wished for it with every upload :) Today I discovered that one of my photos was Explored. This is like the biggest high-five I could get! It has just put a permanent smile on my face. Wanna know which photo was explored? here you go!
"Let Them Eat Flakes"
Part of the fun is coming up with titles for the photographs. This one just came to me and made me giggle so I decided that was it. Look over to the right on my photostream and you'll see my cool little explore photo gadget thingy. Photography is just good for my soul. It's such a great outlet to express my creativity. And it's even cooler when other people dig it too :)