Sunday, January 30, 2011

Brave Pansy

Brave's that for an oxymoron?  I find it so amazing that the most fragile of flowers can be the toughest.  Even in the coldest of winter they still find the strength to lift their heads to find the sun.

This picture is from our last little bit of snow week before last. The temperature was in the 20's.

These photos are from yesterday.  The temperature was in the 70's!  Notice the short sleeve shirts.

It's really amazing what a nice day does for us.  That good dose of Vitamin D is just what the doctor ordered.  I would estimate that 75% of my friends on facebook had something in their status on Saturday with regards to the beautiful weather.  Everyone was outside.  Everyone was at the park.  Everyone was out running errands.  It was just one of those picture perfect days.  Everyone was kind and quick to offer a smile and an appreciative nod to the great weather.  I love days like that.  Of course now we go from a 75 degree day to a predicted high of 25 on Tuesday.  Even with your crazy weather Oklahoma...I still love ya!  Check back with me on Wednesday....I'm hoping to have some cool ice/snow photos to share :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Center of Attention

I've always wished I could sing, but I'm not that good.
~photography is that voice.
I've always wished I could paint, but I'm not that good.
~photography is that painting.
I've always wished I could write, but I'm not that good.
~photography is that story.

Love of nature.
Love of family.
Love of life.
Love of photography.
The heart is always at the center.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a Balancing Act...

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, 
order, rhythm and harmony.”

My photo assignment today was to capture balance in a photograph.  I really struggled with this.  I took at least 10 photos of various things that literally represented balance to me before almost giving up.  I decided to go through some of the photos I've taken in the last month and I came across this photo. 

 It is one of my favorites and I could never really pinpoint why it was my favorite.  I thought I must love it because there is lots of green and green is my favorite color, but no that wasn't quite it.  I thought I must love it because the negative space is so cool, but no that wasn't quite it either.  Then it hit a ton of bricks.  It's totally in balance.  Some of the design principles that I learned in college finally came together in one photo.  
Asymmetry+complementary colors+contrasting textures=balance

This is what I love about photography, paintings, sculptures, drawings etc....  You can look at them once and immediately be drawn to them (this is design principles at play).  Then you can dive in deeper and find a meaning relevant to you.  Then you can look again and see that certain things....certain principles were in play that made that piece of art appealing to you.  Art can be seen on so many different levels and really keeps life interesting.

I think I struggled with this assignment at first because balance is such a sensitive subject to me.  I strive to find balance between having a career and being a mother.  I wage a daily battle between work and home life. I wanted to show this in my photograph.  But then with that one photo that was perfectly 
balanced, I was able to realize that photography is helping me to find some balance. It's another creative outlet that involves my family, my job, my friends, and my home life.  Instead of adding one more hobby to my list, 
I feel as though I've added some free therapy.  

Monday, January 3, 2011

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop

"I wonder if I've been changed in the night?  Let me think.  Was I the same
when I got up this morning?  I almost think I can remember feeling a little
different.  But if I'm not the same, the next question is "who in the world am I?"  
Ah, that's the great puzzle!"  ~Alice in Wonderland

I've decided to start a 365, basically a photo everyday for a year.  I'm sure some of you are already thinking, sure'll follow through on this one (dripping with sarcasm).  But I really feel like I can do this.  My camera is never far from my side and I've already been taking 30 day Big Picture Classes with Tracey Clark so I think I can do this.  

Here is today's prompt: "Promise and possibility might be intangibles, but you know that feeling you get when you see something that fills your heart to brimming. Be on the lookout today for something that speaks of promise or possibility - something hopeful, touching, soul stirring. Something that reminds you that anything is possible and we have everything to hope for."  

I knew as soon as she climbed up into the oversized chair at the Science Museum that this would be my photo today.  I wonder who she will grow up to be and I realize that every little thing I do and say is contributing to the person she is going to become.  Talk about pressure people!  If anyone wants to get me a gift please consider the huge, oversized chair.  It's one way to keep my kids looking little.