So back to the subject at hand, taking photos. I've recently completed day 100 of my 365. This is huge! This means I have consistently taken 100 photos. I know all of you are thinking to yourselves how hard can that be when her camera is within arms reach at all times, but seriously it's not easy to get 100 photos that I love! 100 good photos usually translates to roughly 300 photos I don't love. Then there is the work flow of going through all the photos each day and disposing of those that are not Flickr worthy. Then I go through it again just to be sure I weeded out the losers. Then I do a bit of editing. I usually don't spend too much time editing unless I'm really trying to do something out of the box with the photo. My editing usually amounts to adjusting some contrast and then sharpening and resizing for the web.
My alma mater (high school not college) had an Evening of The Arts this week and asked alumni to submit art for display. I narrowed it down to a few photos and then spent way too much time trying to figure out how to print, what size to print, what paper to print on, how to frame, what kind of frame, etc... At the end of the day I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. Of course with me
Of course how can I end this post without including a few recent photos. If you feel so inclined, please follow me on Flickr (it's a link! Click on it! a link!) and give me a comment or two. I'm always open to critiques as well.
Is there anything sweeter than a boy and his dog? I think not!
This is a small tendril of a Mandevillea vine. I love the motion and titled this "Crack That Whip".
Spring in Oklahoma. Not long after this photo she went and got a bathing suit on.
Yesterday was gorgeous and today is 51 degrees with 50+mph winds. Love ya Oklahoma!
A different shot of the Mandevillea vine. This time right after the sprinklers had given it a bath.
Love, love, love a pic of a boy and his dog!! I have a zillion (no, really, one zillion) pictures of Alex and either of our dogs. So adorable. Insert footie pajamas and I might just faint.
I have no daughter to have pictures.....unless you count said dogs that are fixed, so they are "less manly", right? If God wants me to really shove the "becoming your mother thing" in my face, we will have a girl. Which scares me more than public toilets. But then I
Great photos!! Jealous!
"Comment visible after approval"???? What kind of crud is that?!?!? You can't hold me back, man!!
(She says expecting this comment not to be approved) :)
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